Americans are becoming more comfortable with self-driving cars. Source: CNN Money

The concept of self-driving cars has been with us for quite some time now. Different car companies are making a lot of progress in the self-driving technology but still the uptake has not been that high. However, this is about to change. A new study that was conducted by AAA shows that the fear that has always been associated with self-driving cars is reducing in the US.

The survey noted that 68% of the people interviewed said that they feared riding in a self-driving car. It’s still a huge percentage but it’s a certain drop from the 78% that was recorded a year ago. It’s the third year in a row that AAA has conducted a poll on this issue. For the last two polls there was clear discomfort from the people who were interviewed. But things are starting to improve.

Director of automotive engineering and industry relations at AAA, Greg Brannon, said that it was great to see that the fear towards self-driving cars is reducing. Brannon added that it is important for Americans to see the value of this technology and the potential that it has to save lives on the road.

Self-driving cars will most likely mean safer roads and saving lives. Source: NBC News

The change in perception was attributed to a number of factors. However, Brannon noted that the increased media attention on self-driving cars and the increasing new features that reduce the level of autonomy are some of the drivers of this change.

For most people advocating for self-driving cars, saving lives is the most important thing. Motor vehicle accidents in 2013 alone killed 1.2 million people around the world. Most of these accidents were caused by human error. Self-driving cars could mean safer roads. In addition to this, self-driving cars can also improve the mobility of the elderly and children who lack the ability to drive.

Nonetheless, the study by AAA showed that older people were less likely to ride in a self-driving car as opposed to young people. The survey also showed that 74% of women and 52% of men who were polled feared the self-driving cars.

Waymo started an online campaign to enhance awareness of self-driving cars and their benefits. Source: Indian Express

One of the key strategies that automakers are exploring to overcome this barrier is education. Providing information on the safety and benefits of self-driving cars could help attract more people towards them. For example, Waymo, an autonomous car development company, started an online campaign called “Let’s Talk Self-Driving” in a move designed to enhance awareness of self-driving cars and their potential benefits.

Waymo has been conducting tests for self-driving cars in Phoenix and has started to expand operations in other cities too. It is very likely that self-driving cars will be deployed massively in the US by 2020 and it is important to start lifting the discomfort and fear that most Americans have. Automakers invested in this sector have a lot to do in this regard.