There are so many things we could include here, so we’ll try our best to keep it under control. These are all the things we are thankful for this Thanksgiving!

Good Music!

Source: Some Cards

It’s the little things that keep you going. It’s hard to describe the power of music, since we all have different tastes, but regardless, music can move us, cheer us, help us, depress us - pretty much put us through any emotion. So, let’s be thankful for our favorite bands and artists, for being with us through so much.


Source: Meme Center

Any kid will tell you this is the best part of Thanksgiving, and who are we to argue? Dessert is and always will be that perfect moment of eating a little too much but it’s still great. Unless you’re talking about that one time Rachel cooked…

Source: Buzzfeed



Source: Pinterest

That couldn’t be any more true. My parents and friends often say “this pizza is a little too something,” but personally, I never had any pizza that I didn’t love. Some were better than others, sure, but absolutely all of them made me happy for the moment they existed.

Friends’ Thanksgiving Episodes!

Source: Buzzfeed

There has never been a show to completely capture the essence of Thanksgiving dinners like Friends did. The episodes were always full of intrigue, with many twists and turns, but in the end, they were all together and thankful to have each other - which is where we should always be for our real friends.



No, not the show this time. I mean your real friends, you know, those you can sit in silence with doing nothing and it’s STILL AWESOME; those you may not to talk to for four weeks, but when you do it’s still the same; those that tell you what you don’t want to hear but rather what you need to hear... sometimes, you get all that into that one special friend. So this is a shout out to all of you great friends out there. We are thankful you exist!

Even though you’re the worst sometimes.

But not all the times.


Source: We Know Memes

Oh, coffee, how could we forget you? The solution to most problems in any day of the year. It doesn’t matter what mood we’re in or what we have to do, after the first cup of coffee, suddenly it becomes a lot easier.


Source: Sizzle

Maybe this won’t mean too much if you’re not an introvert, but if you are… you love headphones. There’s just no other way. Nothing feels better than to be in a crowded place protected by the cocoon of music headphones create.

P.S.: If you’re at a party you don’t like, you can make everyone dance to your music if you have headphones. Put on your favorite tune and look around. They will have no idea.


Source: Fun Substance

If you have siblings, younger or older, you can relate. There is no greater source of devilish commentary, evil plotting and mean jokes than sibling rivalry, and a Thanksgiving night should be no different. And it’s mostly pleasant. Mostly.

Cats & Dogs!

Source: Wiffle Gif

There’s no way we would forget to mention our favorite pets. They are always there for us on those lonely nights, whether it’s the burning passion of a dog, or the quiet contemplation of a cat. Especially for those of us who live alone, having an animal companion makes all the difference. But hey, a special shout out to iguanas, tarantulas, turtles, and parrots: because not everyone is a cat/dog person!


Source: Relatably

Netflix is relatively new, but oh boy, did we go for it. The world couldn’t live without it and we’re thankful for all the great shows they produced over the past few years. To most of us, it’s the only kind of marathon we’ll ever want to do. And the only kind we’ll ever need.

Star Wars is Great Again!

Source: International Business Times

Yeah, remember that? For one entire almost-good-but-not-quite trilogy we were dying to see a good Star Wars movie come to the big screen, and we finally got one that was more than worth the wait, leading the path to a new trilogy of probable great movies and there’s a spinoff (that also looks good!) coming this December - and better yet, both new movies star a strong female protagonist! It’s so good to see talented people having their go at it, but above all, it’s so good that Star Wars is awesome again!


Source: Scene Creek

Some days may be tough, and especially then, laughing makes everything a lot easier. It’s a weight off our backs, and it can completely refill our energies. We can always rely on Jim Carrey movies, Friends episodes, memes and random cat videos to cheer us up. What are your favorite picks? Here are some of ours:



Source: Giphy

As much as we appreciate coffee for those tiring work hours we are sometimes not entirely prepared for, we also appreciate that beautiful moment when the day is done and we can drop our tired bodies on the bed and be done with yesterday. We love sleep, and there’s literally no reason why anyone shouldn’t.

We are thankful for all those things and much more, but most of all, we are thankful for you. The fact that you’re here is the reason we keep working. Thank you, and have a happy Thanksgiving!

How about you tell us of the things that are you are thankful for? Did we miss any important ones? Comment and let us know, and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for more articles every week!