There’s no magical formula for raising children. Perhaps one of the reasons for that is that the world is constantly changing, posing new challenges and paradigms. However, even as time goes by and new generations create new sets of rules, some factors are consistent in determining success. Therefore, there is room for parents to influence their children’s success. In fact, there is plenty of room, according to psychologists. Researchers have gathered some of the things parents of successful people have in common.

1.They make their children do chores

Kids that are asked to do chores become better human beings. Image Source: Business Insider.


Kids need to learn that each one of us play a part in the whole, and that our work is a way to contribute for the improvement of the world. Children that are asked to do chores become better co-workers, more empathetic and willingful to take tasks independently.

2.They teach their kids social skills

There's a clear correlation with children's social skills and their success as adults. Image Source: Business Insider.


Researchers have found an amazing correlation between children’s social skills in kindergarten and their success as adults two decades later. This shows the importance of helping children develop social and emotional abilities in order to raise them into healthy adults.

3. They have high expectations

Kids tend to live up to their parents expectations. Image Source: Business Insider


Foreseeing a great future for your kid is a great way to motivate them toward that goal. It’s pretty much the case of a self-fulfilling prophecy, i.e, kids tend to live up to their parents expectations.

4.They have healthy relationships with each other.

Healthy relationship between parents result in more successful adults. Image Source: Business Insider.


Children who deal with conflicts between their parents tend to have more difficulties when they become adults. That includes feelings of loss and regret. Studies show children of healthy single parent families do better than those who cope with a conflictual two parent family. This means that the having to deal with bad relationships is what actually harms children’s growth into thriving adults rather than the type of construction of their families.

Although there is never a guarantee success when raising children, parents do shape the future of their kids. A lot has been said in the last decades that seem to minimize the role of parents and maximize the role of society, environment and chance, but researches and studies show exactly the opposite. Children raised by adults who are committed to their mental and physical health and who are aware of their duties as educators tend to do much better later in life. Like Franklin Roosevelt said: “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.”

Here you can read more about what parents of thriving adults have in common.