In a big win for every animal, animal rights activist, and animal lover, states are now taking action to register people convicted of being animal abusers in an online, publicly available database, just like sex offenders.

Image Source: Washington Post

While the registry is not required in all states yet, it’s popularity is spreading across the country and the number of states and counties passing the law is steadily growing. The registry is aimed to prevent further abuse of innocent animals, so it’s something that everybody can agree on.

Tennessee is the first state to implement the law statewide, and it has been registering animal abusers in its online database since 2016.

Image Source: Nicer Days

The database is monitored by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, and the registry can be viewed online or at any local county office. It includes all the information from its registered animals abusers, including a clear mugshot photograph.

While Tennessee is the only statewide registry until now, many states are pushing for the law to pass and many other U.S. jurisdictions have already instituted their own, including New York and Illinois, at a county level. The law is usually passed on a city level first, and then it can spread throughout the state.

Image Source: Washington Post

Legislator Jon Cooper from Suffolk County, which was the first place in the country to develop an animal offenders registry, said recently:

“We know there is a very strong correlation between animal abuse and domestic violence. Almost every serial killer starts out by torturing animals, so in a strange sense we could end up protecting the lives of people”.

In Florida, Hillsborough County Commissioner Kevin Beckner said in a statement about the county’s animal abusers registry: “This Registry not only protects animals, but it can identify — and maybe even prevent — violence against humans, too.”

Image Source: Pinterest

All 50 states now have felony provisions for crimes against animals, even the FBI has added animal cruelty to its list of Class A felonies, and hopefully these animal abusers registries soon reach a nationwide level.

What do you think of this measure? Let us know on the comments below, we would love to hear your opinion!