Steve Jobs and the other founders of Apple, including Steve Wozniak, initially attempted to bring in "professional management" when they understood the magnitude of their burgeoning venture.

However, this strategy quickly fell short. According to Jobs, these managers knew how to administer but not how to produce. It sparked a significant debate in management: Should leaders be managers or doers? Read on and find out!

The Leadership Dilemma: Manager Or Doer?

Jobs stood firmly in the camp of the latter definition: doers. According to him, those who didn't necessarily aspire to leadership roles but were highly skilled in their field made the best managers. Why? Because they were experts in their field and could serve as a fountain of knowledge for their teams rather than just focus on managerial techniques.

Fundamental Principles Of Jobs' Leadership

The mind behind Apple had some essential principles that he saw as key to leadership roles: promotion of individual contributions, encouragement of collaboration, and focused recruitment. Check the details below.

Promotion Of Individual Contributors

Jobs believed in the potential of exceptional individual contributors to become excellent managers. This principle is illustrated best by his faith in Debbie Coleman, a member of the Macintosh team.

Despite her background in English literature, Coleman demonstrated outstanding financial management skills after graduating from Stanford University with an MBA. Jobs' belief in Coleman proved well-founded when she became the CFO of Apple and one of the most respected tech executives in Silicon Valley.

Encouragement Of Collaboration

Jobs was also dedicated to promoting collaboration within Apple. He believed in formulating and communicating a shared vision to which the whole team could understand and commit. For Jobs, leadership wasn't just about having a vision but effectively communicating it to create a united team.

Focused Recruitment

Jobs took an active role in hiring, seeking out those who were exceptional in their respective fields. His hiring philosophy did not necessarily prioritize the most experienced professionals. Instead, he looked for candidates who understood Apple's technological orientation and were passionate about delivering it to a broader audience.

The Longlasting Legacy

Steve Jobs' legacy extends beyond his technological contributions. His distinctive management philosophies and leadership principles inspire today's business landscape. The emphasis on promoting individual contributors, encouraging collaboration, and hiring the best talent has led to Apple's global success.