They are faithful companions and great listeners. In this article, we are going to explain ten common dog behaviors. Your furry friend is trying to tell you something.

  • Panting

Source: Dogs Cars Pets

Unlike humans, a dog's sweat glands are located on its tongue. Hence, a dog needs a better way of cooling down its body temperature to stay comfortable. To achieve this, it pants as it expels heat from the body. In some cases, a dog may pant as a way of coping with stress.

  • Dog Chewing

When a dog is still a puppy its teeth are growing all the time. During this period, your dog’s teeth may cause some discomfort. To relieve the pain, your dog will chew on a toy or a hard object. If your adult dog chews on objects, it's not because it likes the taste. Mostly, it's a way to relieve a form of anxiety, such as separation anxiety.

  • Digging

Source: Dogs Cats Pets

Digging is an instinctual behavior of dogs. Terrier breeds usually have a strong urge to dig. In the wild, dogs hunt in packs and when they want to store food, they usually dig, and bury it. The cool earth also serves as a shelter for the food from the blazing heat.

  • Stretching

When you notice your dog stretching, it's not because it just came out of a nap. A stretching dog is like saying "Hello, and welcome back!" Also, a dog will only do this with someone it is comfortable with. Your dog will rarely stretch to greet a stranger.

  • Bowing

Source: Pet MD

If you notice that your dog is bowing paired with a wagging tail, it's likely that your dog is telling you "let's play." This would be the opportune moment to get the old tennis ball out and toss it around.

  • Circling Dogs

You may have noticed that when your dog meets another dog, they circle around each other. Usually, it's paired with a wagging tail. When this happens, it's like the dogs saying "let's be friends" to each other. Commence the sniffing.

  • Head Tilting

Whenever you notice your dog tilting its head to the side, it's a sign that it is curious and paying attention. A dog's hearing is around 1,000 more sensitive than a human's. When a dog tilts its head, it's like turning the ears sideways to get more information.

  • Head Out of Car Window

Source: Oh My God How Cute

You may have noticed this behavior whenever you take your dog for a drive. Your pet will stick out its head out the window if you lower the glass down. Dogs are curious creatures and they love to see, hear, smell, and experience the world around them. Hence, they stick out their head out of the window to get the full experience.

  • Butt Scoot

Most pet owners assume that their dog is trying to relieve an itch when it scoots its butt on the ground. While this may be true, it could also be a sign of a more serious problem. It's possible that your dog may have a problem with its anal gland. Worms are also a problem that causes such behavior. So if you notice this happening a lot, get them checked out at the vet.