Source: Entrepreneur

Do you always slug off when it’s time to go to work? Well, a lot of people do. Loving your job and doing it with passion is never easy and sometimes it takes so much effort to just show up. But this is not healthy. Getting stuck somewhere you don’t like can have negative effects on your life. While the obvious solution would be to quit and move on, perhaps there are other practical solutions that may make your job more enjoyable. After all, the problem could be you. Because of one reason or another, you may be making your job and your life harder than it needs to be.

But how you ask?

Here are four ways to think about:

Putting Off Challenging Tasks

There’s this saying among time management experts that the best way to manage your day is to start off with the hardest and most challenging tasks. The argument is actually simple here. Once you’re done with the difficult more stressing tasks, you can rest assured knowing that you won’t have to handle anything harder for the rest of the day. In addition to this, all the other tasks assigned for the rest of the day won’t feel as troubling or hard once the bigger ones are off the table.

Isolating Yourself

A study found that working together as a team helped to increase the level of motivation and satisfaction among employees. Source: Social Hays

There are no superheroes in the workplace. It’s all about teamwork. While there’s no doubt you can do a lot of work on your own, it will be much easier and much more enjoyable if you work with someone else. Even if you feel you can do things better than everyone else in the office, calling out for help is still a great idea. In fact, a study by Stanford University found that working together as a team helped to increase the level of motivation and satisfaction among employees. Try it and see how it goes.

Struggling with Indecision

If you’re in a position at work where you have to make decisions, then you need to get on with it as fast as possible. Struggling with indecision can bring in a new level of insecurity on your abilities that could lead to self-doubt and stress. Learn to be decisive in your approach and deal with issues as they come. This will make you feel less stressed, and you will be more productive.

Making Your Life All About Work

Work without play can be a very stressful experience. Source: Miami Herald

This one is obvious and there’s no doubt that you have heard it many times. Work without play can be a very stressful experience. Even if you love your job, sometimes you need a break from it all. Don’t carry your work at home. Leave it in the office and spend time with family and friends. Take a holiday once in a while too. Incorporating play in your work life does help to maintain a healthy mental balance. It may also help you recharge and come back stronger and more productive after.

These are the four simple ways that may be complicating your work life. If you can address them you will start to see improvements in your attitude towards your job.