The face of a man who was bought and sold by corporate internet service providers. Source: The Guardian

The concept of Net Neutrality may sound new to you, but it’s been years in the making. When you connect to the internet, you expect to access any kind of content you want. However, in order to access the internet, you will need to use an ISP (Internet Service Provider). The underpinning principle of Net Neutrality prevents ISPs such as Verizon, AT&T, and others to limit in any way your ability to access the content you want.

In 2015, the Federal Communications Commission adopted Net Neutrality rules after pressure from millions of activists. The rules gave internet users the power to access any information they want without any interference.

However, a new proposal by FCC chairman, Ajit Pai, may destroy Net Neutrality. Millions of people have already spoken against the proposal. A vote to approve or reject it will be held at the FCC on December 14th.

What Will Happen If We Lose Net Neutrality?

The internet needs you support on this hot political issue. Source: Foundry 72

The open internet, where users are able to access any information they want has paved the way for many innovations. The open net has also provided a platform for people to voice their thoughts. However, if Net Neutrality is destroyed, the ISPs will basically control the internet. Any information that goes against their rules will be blocked. Free speech will be in jeopardy.

But it’s not all lost. Although Ajit Pai, the current FCC chairman and former Verizon lawyer is proposing diluting some of the rules that guarantee Net Neutrality, he is not there yet. Title II of the Communications Act that was adopted in 2015 is still intact.

Ajit Pai wants to turn control of the internet over to the corporations. Source: ARS Technica

Title II is a legislation that has given people the power of Net Neutrality. It is this law that has made it possible for you and me to access the internet openly. The legislation effectively gave people control over the internet. The proposal by Ajit Pai is hoping to do the opposite. The FCC chairman wants to give the control back to the ISPs.

Why Is Net Neutrality Important?

An open internet is important in many ways and Net Neutrality guarantees it. An open internet will allow minorities to have a platform away from the mainstream media where they can raise issues of social justice. Minorities can also use the open internet to mobilize and put pressure on the government to listen to their concerns.

The open internet is also good for business. The digital economy is offering massive opportunities for small companies to reach out to new markets. Without an open internet, the barriers of entry into the digital economy will become insuperable.

What Can You Do?

Millions of people have already criticized Pai’s new proposal. You can join the movement too. However, it’s very unlikely that the FCC chairman will listen. Politics is already at play at the FCC and in situations where everyone votes according to Party lines the voice of reason might not be heard.

But nonetheless, we must all keep up the fight to safeguard the open internet.