Find out how to stay positive at work. Source: Media Coop

There are many times at work where negativity seems to be around all the time. It’s often a very difficult period. When you are surrounded by negativity, it’s very easy to be drowned in the wave of hopelessness where your career dreams are suffocated and your motivation or ambition squashed. You shouldn’t allow this to happen. Although negativity will always be part of our professional lives, you owe it to yourself to combat it and ensure it does not negatively affect you.

Here are some of the basic techniques that I have used over the years to deal with negativity at work:

Set Realistic Goals

Setting reasonable goals that are easier to achieve can help you build momentum towards even bigger ones. For example, instead of committing yourself to starting a business this year, start small. Set a target of registering a domain name for example. The satisfaction you draw from achieving these small goals will motivate you to keep going until you achieve all your targets. There’s no need to set lofty goals that can’t be achieved.

Convert Negative Situations into Learning Opportunities

Negative situations can often become learning experiences. Source: She Owns It

Negative situations at work can provide opportunities for us to learn and grow. Instead of focusing all your energy in reacting negatively to the situation you are facing, try to be more positive and find a workaround for the issue you are dealing with.

For example, if you start a business and it fails, don’t interpret this as an inability or inadequacy within you. Look at it as a small part of the learning curve that will build your character moving forward.

Get a Support Team

Having people around you to support you makes a huge difference. Source: Career Addict

You can’t face the troubles of the workplace on your own - they can be quite overwhelming. The trick is to surround yourself with people who are positive and see positivity in you. Such people will provide the necessary emotional support that will allow you to overcome very tough times in your career.

Besides, positive energy always has a way of rubbing off towards others and even in your most venerable moments, if you have a positive support group, it will guide you back to where you should be.

Read and Listen to Positive Messages

Fill your mind with information that uplifts and inspires you. This will keep you motivated towards your goals. Start with a positive book from your local bookstore or library. You can also get motivational podcasts online. The goal here is to ensure you are exposing yourself to the kind of information that motivates you to work harder and face every day with a renewed sense of hope and optimism.

Control What You Can

There are many things that happen around us that we can’t control. Even if we wanted to, we have no power to do so. Do not get bogged down with these issues. If you keep worrying about things or circumstances that are not in your control, then it becomes very hard to get a clear picture of the kind of reality you are facing.

These are some of the simple tricks I use to maintain positive energy at work. They truly work and you should give them a try too.