Emails should always look professional. Source: LinkedIn

Using email to get the word out is always a great option. It allows you to send messages to multiple audiences from the comfort of your office. However, there are so many people who continue to misuse emails.

Although it may not be easy to notice it, sometimes the emails we send despite our good intentions may come out as angry, poor, or sometimes even disrespectful. It’s because of this that you need to be careful when you write an email.

Below is a list of 10 common mistakes that you must avoid:

Failure to Clearly State Your Topic in the Subject Line

A lot of people don’t give much thought to the subject line. As you compose your email, try to write what you intend to communicate with that message on the subject line. Make it creative so that your audience is curious to read what’s in the actual email.

Writing Long Emails

Emails are supposed to be short, simple, and concise messages. If you find that you are writing a very long email just to get the message across, perhaps you’d be better off reaching out using your phone or organizing a one-on-one meeting with the person you are engaging with.

Emails should be short and concise. Source: Business Insider

Sharing Hard News on Email

The email is not the best platform to share tough decisions and hard news. This is the kind of info that should be delivered in person. If you have a hard news to deliver to a person, just use the email to schedule a meeting and then deliver it in person.

Don’t Share Your Secrets via Mail

If there’s a personal secret you’d like to share with another person, never do it via email. An email can be shared with literally billions of people. This can happen intentionally or inadvertently. You shouldn’t take that risk.

Shouting in Your Mail

Do not use capital letters if you don’t have too. The moment you send an email with capital letters it simply means you are shouting. This can come out as rude. There are other ways you can use to emphasize your point other than all caps.

Using Too Many Exclamation Marks

If you have to use an exclamation mark in your email don’t use more than one. Your words are good enough to communicate your message. Too much use of exclamation marks will appear unprofessional to the audience you are engaging with.

Don’t Try To Be Funny

Humor is good no doubt but it’s advisable to reserve for one-on-one conversations. Written humor may not always come out as intended. A punchline may be funny in a normal conversation but it may appear unprofessional in a written email. Avoid it as much as possible.

Humor doesn’t translate well in an email. Source: Bookboon

Emojis Are Not For Emails

An email is supposed to be professional and while the use of emojis is a common practice in texting these days, do not do this in your emails. After all, the last thing you want is to include emotions in them.

Don’t Make Demands on Email

If you need something from anyone, instead of demanding it via email you can make a simple request. Being polite is always a plus.

Avoid Nasty Emails

If you have something nasty to say to anyone then do it in person. Nasty emails will always be reread and forwarded to many people. Even if you apologize for that moment of weakness, there will always be a reminder online.